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2004/08/01 11:12
Re: racism [re: svaltvinter] Это сообщение из Архива

yes, unfortunately some but not all of russian people rasists by nature. maybe some people will say that it is not so. but i saw such things myself, and read lot of about skinheads' actions against kavkaz and asian people in moscow. or simply in metro you can hear sometimes bad words directed to asian people. i am russian but look like asian type and my mother also and we hear sometimes rude words about our faces in metro.

Вся Ветвь
*racism svaltvinter   2004/08/01 03:26
.*Exactly racism - to tell english on this forum ndfhm100   2004/08/01 20:34
.*after read it all.. svaltvinter   2004/08/01 15:49
.*Re: after read it all.. Lesia   2004/08/01 17:13
.*Re: racism Lesia   2004/08/01 14:25
.*Re: racism ElAmran   2004/08/01 11:12
.*Re: racism Lezginka   2004/08/01 10:43
.*Re: racism ElAmran   2004/08/01 11:06
.*Re: racism disikurt   2004/08/01 13:19
.*Re: racism ferikoylu   2004/08/01 14:53
.*Re: racism Sentinel   2004/08/01 16:12
.*Re: racism ferikoylu   2004/08/01 19:34
.*Re: racism Monti   2004/08/01 22:28
.*Re: racism disikurt   2004/08/02 10:51
.*Re: racism Monti   2004/08/03 02:32
.*Re: racism disikurt   2004/08/03 10:24
.*Re: racism svaltvinter   2004/08/02 14:00
.*Re: racism disikurt   2004/08/02 14:12
.*Re: racism svaltvinter   2004/08/02 08:50
.*It's.. bad! svaltvinter   2004/08/03 17:43
.*Re: It's.. bad! disikurt   2004/08/04 13:43

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