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(турецкий шпион)
2004/08/01 14:25
Re: racism [re: svaltvinter] Это сообщение из Архива

Well, I think all the people are some kind of racists, it's in their nature and we can't do anything about it. And turks are racists as well, sometimes, even more than we are. The thing is that we're different. I know that most turkish women hate us (russian women) because they think that we'll leave them without men )) I suppose you've read that horrible article in Sabah. It's obvious, that the author tried to show us as simple whores. It was really unpleasant. I'm trying to be nice to all the people and nationality really doesn't matter. I hope that some day the situation will change, and I really believe that out forum will help, may be it sounds funny, but we have to believe in something, don't we?

God Damn Internet :lam:

Вся Ветвь
*racism svaltvinter   2004/08/01 03:26
.*Exactly racism - to tell english on this forum ndfhm100   2004/08/01 20:34
.*after read it all.. svaltvinter   2004/08/01 15:49
.*Re: after read it all.. Lesia   2004/08/01 17:13
.*Re: racism Lesia   2004/08/01 14:25
.*Re: racism ElAmran   2004/08/01 11:12
.*Re: racism Lezginka   2004/08/01 10:43
.*Re: racism ElAmran   2004/08/01 11:06
.*Re: racism disikurt   2004/08/01 13:19
.*Re: racism ferikoylu   2004/08/01 14:53
.*Re: racism Sentinel   2004/08/01 16:12
.*Re: racism ferikoylu   2004/08/01 19:34
.*Re: racism Monti   2004/08/01 22:28
.*Re: racism disikurt   2004/08/02 10:51
.*Re: racism Monti   2004/08/03 02:32
.*Re: racism disikurt   2004/08/03 10:24
.*Re: racism svaltvinter   2004/08/02 14:00
.*Re: racism disikurt   2004/08/02 14:12
.*Re: racism svaltvinter   2004/08/02 08:50
.*It's.. bad! svaltvinter   2004/08/03 17:43
.*Re: It's.. bad! disikurt   2004/08/04 13:43

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