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(новенький )
2005/05/31 22:34
Fantasy of an overworked management consultant  Это сообщение из Архива

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Little bit about me:
I am a 29 years old Turk, (Turkish father - American mother). I live in Chicago, USA since 6 years. Years ago I have been to Moscow, Peter and also to Voronezh - to see what is out there beyond the two Russian capitals, i ya nemnoshko govoryu po-russki...

I love Russian music (I mean Bulad Okudzhava, those old sad folk songs like podmoskovskie vecheri, Katyusha), Russian literature (Chekov, Bulgakov, Dostoevski), and admire the reckless/crazy Russian way of experiencing life.

I go to Europe quite often for business and plan to hop to Turkey for vacation next time and I would like vacation with a Russian/Ukrainian girl. Yes, I am one of those men from Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Israel etc who invite Russian girls to their country for a free vacation, but I come with a twist: I am an interesting guy, well to-do, well-read, well-traveled. I like clubbing, dancing being active. I am in good shape look quite attractive, that of course depends on your taste in men...

I am writing these line during my lunch break. Maybe I got fed-up with my job. Yeah, this is a crazy idea,a fantasy of mine, and maybe it will never take off, but I am giving it a try. I would like to get to know a Russian girl and have an unforgettable time with her in Turkey this summer. You don't have to be Miss Russia. I am looking for simple girl who is beautiful inside and out, and who can bear with my poor Russian and would be willing to teach me Russian. As said I am active guy, so I don't enjoy lying on the beach and tanning the the whole time. I would rather prefer my spending time taking boot trips, scuba diving, rafting etc... My dates in Turkey are not certain yet, but it will most likely in July.

Anyways, this has been a long post. If you are interested in getting to know me please drop a line a borasmos@gmail.com.


Вся Ветвь
*Fantasy of an overworked management consultant borasmos   2005/05/31 22:34
.*Re: Fantasy of an overworked management consultant Vasumitra   2005/06/02 19:00
.*Re: Fantasy of an overworked management consultant borasmos   2005/06/02 21:39
.*Re: Fantasy of an overworked management consultant Vasumitra   2005/06/03 13:47
.*Re: Fantasy of an overworked management consultant borasmos   2005/06/03 19:02
.*Re: Fantasy of an overworked management consultant Vasumitra   2005/06/03 19:26
.*Re: Fantasy of an overworked management consultant Mari2   2005/06/01 18:55
.*Re: Fantasy of an overworked management consultant borasmos   2005/06/02 00:51

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