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(новенький )
2005/06/02 21:39
Re: Fantasy of an overworked management consultant [re: Vasumitra] Это сообщение из Архива

What would be more sure? Is this what you have to say after reading my message? I hope not everybody interprets my message the way you did. My intentions are very different from what you think. You should think twice before rushing to judge people...

Вся Ветвь
*Fantasy of an overworked management consultant borasmos   2005/05/31 22:34
.*Re: Fantasy of an overworked management consultant Vasumitra   2005/06/02 19:00
.*Re: Fantasy of an overworked management consultant borasmos   2005/06/02 21:39
.*Re: Fantasy of an overworked management consultant Vasumitra   2005/06/03 13:47
.*Re: Fantasy of an overworked management consultant borasmos   2005/06/03 19:02
.*Re: Fantasy of an overworked management consultant Vasumitra   2005/06/03 19:26
.*Re: Fantasy of an overworked management consultant Mari2   2005/06/01 18:55
.*Re: Fantasy of an overworked management consultant borasmos   2005/06/02 00:51

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