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(новенький )
2005/06/03 19:02
Re: Fantasy of an overworked management consultant [re: Vasumitra] Это сообщение из Архива

Obviously you habe certain outlook toward life. Let me just say you are being unnecessaryly cynical.

You are making the assumption that "we" will be strangers. Why should we be or stay strangers? Maybe you never met somebody online? Did you? If I meet a girl via this site, and we start exchanging emails, start calling each other, and decide going on vacation together - what would be wrong with this.

Furthermore, being with a "stranger", trying new things, gettting to know a new person can be quite exciting, especially on vacation. If I were looking for "simulations of love", I could purchase it. Love and sex are two seperate things. It is better they come together, but sex for the sake of sex is also beautiful. Certain people, if they desire each other, they wouldn't need to simulate love. If they don't love then they will just go for the fun and excitement and sex. Is this wrong?

Anyways... Obviously we don't understand each other, and we can't change this fact by exchanging brief messages here.

Вся Ветвь
*Fantasy of an overworked management consultant borasmos   2005/05/31 22:34
.*Re: Fantasy of an overworked management consultant Vasumitra   2005/06/02 19:00
.*Re: Fantasy of an overworked management consultant borasmos   2005/06/02 21:39
.*Re: Fantasy of an overworked management consultant Vasumitra   2005/06/03 13:47
.*Re: Fantasy of an overworked management consultant borasmos   2005/06/03 19:02
.*Re: Fantasy of an overworked management consultant Vasumitra   2005/06/03 19:26
.*Re: Fantasy of an overworked management consultant Mari2   2005/06/01 18:55
.*Re: Fantasy of an overworked management consultant borasmos   2005/06/02 00:51

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