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Архивы форума по Турции

2003/03/23 16:57
Believe it or not, but please act..!  Это сообщение из Архива

This war is against all of us. This war is against those who strive for the peace in the world. Be it Turks, Russians, Japanese or even Jews, all have to gather and fight back for holy peace. Dont just say or cry, but do and if nedeed die for it..!

For crying Iraqi mothers and dying Iraqi children -----
God damn those who go on war with capitalist motives..!

When Harry Met Sally

Вся Ветвь
*Believe it or not, but please act..! CeM   2003/03/23 16:57
.*Re: Believe it or not, but please act..! Dragonfly   2003/04/03 00:25
.*Re: Believe it or not, but please act..! Marra   2003/03/23 21:55
.*Re: Believe it or not, but please act..! _D_   2003/03/23 22:39
.*Re: Believe it or not, but please act..! Yalanci   2003/03/23 22:12
.*Re: Believe it or not, but please act..! celeste   2003/03/23 17:53
.*Re: Believe it or not, but please act..! figaro   2003/03/23 19:21
.*Re: Believe it or not, but please act..! Yalanci   2003/03/23 19:26
.*Re: Believe it or not, but please act..! Yalanci   2003/03/23 19:16

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