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(хозяин ишака)
2003/03/23 17:53
Re: Believe it or not, but please act..! [re: CeM] Это сообщение из Архива

.. good appeal.. just tandem between Russia, China and India for example can be more or less significant power against USA, but it is not priority target of policy none of these countries governments unfortunately.. none of countries dont want to begin a war with usa, cos it will be awfully dangerous to all the world..

Вся Ветвь
*Believe it or not, but please act..! CeM   2003/03/23 16:57
.*Re: Believe it or not, but please act..! Dragonfly   2003/04/03 00:25
.*Re: Believe it or not, but please act..! Marra   2003/03/23 21:55
.*Re: Believe it or not, but please act..! _D_   2003/03/23 22:39
.*Re: Believe it or not, but please act..! Yalanci   2003/03/23 22:12
.*Re: Believe it or not, but please act..! celeste   2003/03/23 17:53
.*Re: Believe it or not, but please act..! figaro   2003/03/23 19:21
.*Re: Believe it or not, but please act..! Yalanci   2003/03/23 19:26
.*Re: Believe it or not, but please act..! Yalanci   2003/03/23 19:16

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