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2003/03/23 21:55
Re: Believe it or not, but please act..! [re: CeM] Это сообщение из Архива

on the entrance door of fashionable cafe (in the city centre) i've just seen the following advertisement: "Citizens of USA & Great Britain are not permitted to enter in view of the war". Yekaterinburgh, 22.03.03

Ищу вакантное место зАлАтой рыПки!.. сРебрЯной?.. ОК, олУвянная сойдет...а-а дышать-то как? Бульк...

Вся Ветвь
*Believe it or not, but please act..! CeM   2003/03/23 16:57
.*Re: Believe it or not, but please act..! Dragonfly   2003/04/03 00:25
.*Re: Believe it or not, but please act..! Marra   2003/03/23 21:55
.*Re: Believe it or not, but please act..! _D_   2003/03/23 22:39
.*Re: Believe it or not, but please act..! Yalanci   2003/03/23 22:12
.*Re: Believe it or not, but please act..! celeste   2003/03/23 17:53
.*Re: Believe it or not, but please act..! figaro   2003/03/23 19:21
.*Re: Believe it or not, but please act..! Yalanci   2003/03/23 19:26
.*Re: Believe it or not, but please act..! Yalanci   2003/03/23 19:16

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