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(новенький )
2002/06/05 06:02
Re: турецкий интернет! [re: punk] Это сообщение из Архива

на нескольких турецких форумах выставил сообщение вот такое:

Merhaba Salam Hello!
Uzurdelerim, turkce konusha bilmiyorum, buna gora ingishlche deyim!!
I need your help! I'm composing an article about turkish Internet! This article will be published in azeri paper! wanna that his article will be objective and interesting!
I have problem with Turkish coding and language (differences in international terminus) that’s why ask your help!

The questions that interests me:
1.The price of Turkish second levels domain (.tr), and how the people register them?
2. Prices in Internet-cafe and clubs and how they popular in Turkish cities?
3. The most popular web-resource in turknet?
4. The most expensive web-project in Turkiye?
5. Call me please Turkish Top, Rating or Catalogue?
6. The most popular IRC channel (I guess #turkey but I can mistake)
7. Price for dial-up .. Limited or Unlimited (please in USD or in TL but with exchange rate)
8. The most popular Cellular operator (I know only turkcell:))
9. Prices for minute of mobile talks.
10. Is there in Turkish free hosting for regular users (like Geocities or VirtualAvenue)?
11. How works e-marketing and e-shopping in Turkey. How often people use credit cards and virtual shops!!!

Thank you very much for your support!!

Мне что-то никто не отвечает:(


Вся Ветвь
*турецкий интернет! punk   2002/06/02 05:02
.*Re: турецкий интернет! punk   2002/06/05 06:02
.*Re: турецкий интернет! Bale   2002/06/05 19:21
.*Re: турецкий интернет! Flower   2002/06/03 13:15
.*Re: турецкий интернет! punk   2002/06/05 06:07
.*Re: турецкий интернет! Hergele   2002/06/02 13:43
.*da nu! djam   2002/06/02 15:37
.*Re: da nu! Hergele   2002/06/02 19:02

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