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2002/03/25 21:03
Re: turkish language [re: Скрывший свое имя] Это сообщение из Архива

A great way to learn Turkish is to make friends with Turkish people who need to learn your language:

About 15 Russian and American Tourists will be in Kaleici in the center of Antalya from June 1st to June 21st. They will be glad to meet with Turks, Russians, or any others who would be interested in practicing their conversational ability in Russian or English. All are native Americans and Russians in one collective. Practice is on an individual basis an hour at a time Monday through Thursday from 10 AM to 9 PM.
2 to 4 hours a week are possible. If you would like to enroll in advance please write to


Registration and scheduling in Antalya will be held from 10 AM to 14.00 PM at the Talya Hotel in the Center. Look for "Let's Start Talking".
Our local phone in Antalya after the 1st of June will be 0536-547-0104

Please pass this on - I would really appreciate it if you were to translate this an resubmit it to the forum in Russian.

Вся Ветвь
*turkish languageСкрывший свое имя  2002/03/25 11:25
.*Re: turkish language FELIX   2002/03/25 23:46
.*Re: turkish language Юльчик   2002/03/26 15:56
.*Re: turkish language FELIX   2002/03/26 18:52
.*Re: turkish languageLST-DPG  2002/03/25 21:03
.*Re: turkish language kenanlee   2002/03/25 16:18
.*Re: turkish language Юльчик   2002/03/25 17:21
.*Re: turkish language kenanlee   2002/03/25 18:41
.*Re: turkish language Юльчик   2002/03/26 15:55
.*Re: turkish language JAA   2002/03/25 13:36
.*Re: turkish language Юльчик   2002/03/25 17:23
.*Re: turkish language Alen   2002/03/25 14:42
.*Re: turkish language DAGish   2002/03/25 11:32
.*Re: turkish language Bitanem   2002/03/25 15:38
.*Re: turkish language DAGish   2002/03/25 15:46

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