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(хозяин ишака)
2002/03/21 21:27
~~ This Feeling of Love ~~  Это сообщение из Архива

~~ This Feeling of Love ~~
This feeling of love that I have for you,
A feeling so strong, so special, so new.
You give me the gift of happiness each day,
Never have I known it could be this way.
You have givin your love regardless of cost,
With my heart in your care, I will never be lost.
Or never again wonder what love really means,
For now I do know it means so many things.
Understanding and caring through good times and bad,
Sharing emotions should they be happy or sad.
Being there for each other through laughter or tears,
At each others side for the rest of our years.
My only wish is to be with you my love,
For each day I pray to the heavens above.
That you always remember my feelings for you.
A feeling so strong, so special, so new.

~~ "KENAN" ~~


Вся Ветвь
*~~ This Feeling of Love ~~ kenanlee   2002/03/21 21:27
.*Re: ~~ This Feeling of Love ~~ Tory   2002/03/26 14:40
.*Re: ~~ This Feeling of Love ~~ Guzel1  2002/03/21 23:41
.*Re: ~~ This Feeling of Love ~~ kenanlee   2002/03/22 01:07
.*Re: ~~ This Feeling of Love ~~ Феникс  2002/06/12 10:24
.*Re: ~~ This Feeling of Love ~~ Gorets   2002/03/22 10:09

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