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(троянский конь)
2004/04/08 01:32
HITIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Это сообщение из Архива

Ankara ?niversitesi T?MER Dil ??retim Merkezi 2001 y?l?ndan ba?layarak yeniden yap?lanma s?recine girmi?tir. Durmaks?z?n geli?en d?nyan?n de?i?en ko?ullar?na uyum sa?layabilmek, kullan?lan ders ara?-gere?lerini g?ncelle?tirmek, e?itim kalitesini evrensel ?l??tlere g?re yeniden d?zenlemek amac?yla yeni hedefler belirlenmi?tir. Bu s?re?te t?m T?MER ?ubelerinin mevcut yap?lar? ve standartlar? g?zden ge?irilmi?, e?itim anlay??? ve kalitesinin y?kseltilmesi i?in ?al??malara ba?lanm??t?r.

Bu de?i?im, en ?nemli ve ?ncelikli misyonu yabanc?lara T?rk?e ??retmek olan T?MER’de kullan?lan e?itim materyallerinin yenilenmesi ?al??malar?yla ba?lam??t?r.

T?rk?e ??retiminde kullan?lan ders ara?-gere?lerinin yenilenmesi, ?a?da? bir i?eri?e kavu?turulmas? d???ncesinden hareketle kendine yeni hedefler belirleyen; ?a?da? y?ntem, teknik ve materyallerle dil ??retimine taze bir soluk getirmek isteyen T?MER, yeni bir T?rk?e ??retim Seti haz?rlamak i?in ?ubat 2001’de Ankara’da bir proje ba?latm??t?r. Bu proje, H?T?T T?rk?e ??retim Seti ad?n? ta??maktad?r. H?T?T T?rk?e ??retim Seti, b?t?n?yle T?MER’in akademik ve idari personelinin ?r?n?d?r.

Yabanc?lara T?rk?e ??retmek amac?yla haz?rlanan H?T?T T?rk?e ??retim Seti, d?nyan?n pek ?ok ?lkesinde T?rk?e ??reten ki?i, kurum ve kurulu?lar?n kullan?m?na sunulmu?tur. T?rkiye’de ya da yurt d???nda T?rk?e ??renmek isteyen yabanc?lar?n gereksinimlerine yan?t vermek ?zere haz?rlanan bu set, d?rt temel dil becerisinin (okuma, yazma, dinleme, konu?ma) e?it a??rl?kl? olarak geli?tirilmesini sa?layacak ??retim ara?-gere?lerini i?ermektedir.

H?T?T T?rk?e ??retim Seti 4 b?l?mden olu?maktad?r.

1- Ders Kitaplar?: Hitit T?rk?e ??retim Seti’nin i?inde, her biri 16 ?niteden olu?an 3 ana ders kitab? (Hitit 1, 2, 3) bulunmaktad?r. Hitit 1, Temel T?rk?e 1, 2 ve 3 d?zeylerine; Hitit 2, Orta T?rk?e 1, 2 ve 3 d?zeylerine; Hitit 3 ise Y?ksek T?rk?e 1, 2 ve 3 d?zeylerine y?neliktir.

2- ?al??ma Kitaplar? Hitit T?rk?e ??retim Seti’nde, ders kitaplar?na paralel olarak haz?rlanan ve ?nitelerle ilgili peki?tirme al??t?rmalar?n? ve s?n?f i?i uygulamalar? i?eren 3 ?al??ma kitab? yer almaktad?r.

3- Dinleme Kasetleri: Ders kitaplar?n?n i?indeki dinleme par?alar? ve ?al??malar?n?n yer ald???, i?eri?i her d?zey i?in ayr? ayr? belirlenmi? olan toplam 6 kaset bulunmaktad?r.

4- Video Kasetleri: Ders kitaplar?na dil bilgisi a??s?ndan paralel, kitaplarda yer alan ?nitelerden konu bak?m?ndan ba??ms?z video kasetleri de bulunmaktad?r. Video kasetleri, Temel T?rk?e d?zeyi i?in toplam 16 b?l?ml?k dramalardan, Orta ve Y?ksek T?rk?e d?zeyleri i?inse belgesel filmlerden olu?maktad?r.

Ders kitab? i?inde yer alan ?niteler; konu b?t?nl??? i?inde ilgili metinler, diyaloglar, dil bilgisi yap?lar? ve al??t?rmalar ile dinleme ?al??malar?ndan olu?maktad?r.

Hitit’in et?dleri kapsam?nda, T?MER’de ??retilen yabanc? dillerin ders kitaplar? bi?im ve i?erik a??s?ndan incelenmi?tir. T?rk?enin yabanc? dil olarak ??retilmesinde dikkat edilmesi gereken noktalar g?z ?n?nde bulundurulmu?, T?rk k?lt?r ?zelliklerinin, geleneksel motiflerin kullan?lmas?na ?zen g?sterilmi?tir. Metin ve diyaloglar T?rk k?lt?r ?zelliklerine, ya?am bi?imlerine ve sosyal al??kanl?klar?na uygun tipik ?rneklerdir. ?zellikle, Y?ksek T?rk?e d?zeyi i?in haz?rlanan kitaplar?n, g?ndelik hayat?n i?inden konu?malar ve metinlerle zenginle?tirilmesine, ezbere dayal?, paket bilgilerden ar?nd?r?lmas?na da dikkat edilmi?tir.

H?T?T T?rk?e ??retim Seti’nin haz?rl?klar? 2001 ?ubat?nda ba?lam??t?r. Yakla??k 30 ki?ilik bir ekibin ?al??t??? bu proje T?MER Ba?kan? Aypar Alt?nel’in Proje Genel Koordinat?rl???nde y?r?t?lm??t?r. Projenin alt birimleri ise ?u ?ekilde s?ralanmaktad?r: Koordinasyon Grubu, Yazarlar Grubu, Edit?rler Grubu, De?erlendirme Grubu, Dinleme ?al??malar? Grubu ve Video ?al??mas? Grubu.

Bu projenin yay?na haz?rlanmas? s?recinde ihtiya? duyulan foto?raf ve grafik gibi g?rsel tasar?m alanlar?nda, ilgili T?MER birimleri g?revlendirilmi?tir. Bu ?al??man?n her a?amas?nda yaln?zca T?MER’in akademik ve idari kadrolar? g?rev alm??t?r. Yukar?da ad? ge?en gruplar, “Hitit Projesi” i?in T?MER'liler aras?ndan se?ilerek olu?turulmu? ve yaln?zca bu ?al??mada g?revlendirilmi?lerdir.

H?T?T T?rk?e ??retim Seti, T?rkiye ile birlikte d?nyan?n pek ?ok ?lkesinde T?rk?e ??reten kurulu?lar?n da kullan?m?na sunulmu?tur. Bu set, uluslararas? bilgi ileti?im a?? ?nternet kanal?yla d?nyaya tan?t?lmaktad?r. Tan?t?m etkinlikleri kapsam?nda yer alan ?al??malar yine T?MER’in ilgili birimlerince y?r?t?lmektedir.

H?T?T T?rk?e ??retim Seti’nin, yabanc?lara T?rk?e ??retimi alan?nda bir bo?lu?u dolduraca??na inan?lmaktad?r. T?rk?eyi ??renme talebini ve T?rk k?lt?r?n? tan?ma gereksinimi kar??layabilecek yetkin bir kayna??n bulunmamas?, mevcut ders kitaplar?n?n bilgi ve y?ntem a??s?ndan ?a??n gerisinde kalm?? olmas?, yeni bir T?rk?e ??retim setinin haz?rlanmas?n? zorunlu k?lm??t?r. T?MER, e?itimde kaliteyi ve d?nya standartlar?n? her zaman ?n planda tutmakta, izledi?i e?itim politikas?n? evrensel ?l??tlere g?re s?rekli yenilemektedir. H?T?T T?rk?e ??retim Seti, T?MER’in bir bilimsel ara?t?rma ve uygulama merkezi olarak y?r?tt??? ba?ar?l? ?al??malar?n?n ?r?n?d?r.

Bu set, ??rencinin kendi kendine, bir s?zl?k ve dil bilgisi kitab? yard?m?yla da T?rk?e ??renebilmesine olanak tan?yacak ?ekilde haz?rlanm??t?r. D?zeylere g?re belirlenen dil bilgisi yap?lar? a??klamal? ?rneklerle verilmi?, edinilen bilgilerin metinler ve diyaloglar yoluyla peki?tirilmesi sa?lanm??t?r. S?yleyi? bozukluklar? ve anlama zorluklar?n? gidermek i?in de ses kasetleri ve video kasetlerinin yaz?l? materyali destekler nitelikte olmas?na ?zen g?sterilmi?tir. Dolay?s?yla, ??renilen dilin geli?tirilmesi, dil bilgisi yap?lar?n?n nerede ve nas?l kullan?labilece?i gibi konularda, ??renci arad??? her ?eyi bu setin i?inde bulabilecektir.

T?rk?e ??retimi esas?na g?re yap?lanan T?MER, yurt d???ndaki T?rk?e ??retimi faaliyetlerini birle?tiren bir ileti?im noktas?d?r. Ara?t?rmalara a??rl?k verir, uygulamaya dayal? bir program izler. T?MER’in bilimsel kimli?i; T?rk?enin yaln?zca dil olarak ??retilmesini de?il, dil bilimsel ara?t?rmalar yap?lmas?n?, T?rk?enin akademik d?zeyde ele al?nmas?n? sa?layacak taban? olu?turur. H?T?T T?rk?e ??retim Seti, bu ?al??malar?n ve birikimin sonucudur. Deneyimli ??retim elemanlar?yla, dinamik ve alan?nda yetkin idari personeliyle dev bir kurum olan T?MER’in bu ?al??mas?, T?rk?enin e?itimi-??retimi alan?nda benzer ?al??malar yapan t?m ki?i ve kurumlara k?lavuzluk edecektir. T?MER T?rk?e ??retimi alan?nda T?rkiye’de ilk ve tek ?rnektir; T?rk?e ??retimi alan?nda bir ileti?im noktas?d?r. T?MER bilimsel ara?t?rmalar?n? proje olarak tasarlay?p uygulamaya d?kecek akademik tabana sahiptir.

Ankara University T?MER Language Teaching Center started a reformation process in 2001. In order to adapt to the continuously developing world’s changing conditions, to update classroom components and materials and to improve the quality of its instruction, T?MER established new goals. During this process the structures and standards at all of T?MER Branches were re-examined in order to improve the quality of education, that is provided.

This change began with the renewal of the educational materials of T?MER’s most important mission which is teaching Turkish to foreigners.

In order to update the classroom components and teaching materials for Turkish Language teaching and to include a more contemporary content T?MER began to prepare a new Turkish Language teaching set in Ankara in February 2001. This new set the HITIT Turkish Language Teaching Set, is entirely the product of the academic and administrative staff of T?MER.

HITIT Turkish Language Teaching Set, which was prepared in order to teach Turkish to foreigners, has been presented to large numbers people, institutions and establishments that teach Turkish all over the world. This set, designed to improve Turkish Language instruction around the world consists of teaching components and materials designed to improve the four basic language skills (reading, listening, writing, speaking) equally.

The HITIT Turkish Language Teaching Set consists of 4 parts:

1. Course Books: HITIT Turkish Language Teaching Set consists of 3 cours books each with 16 units (Hitit 1,2,3). Hitit 1 is for Basic Turkish-Levels 1,2,3; Hitit 2 is for Intermediate Turkish-Levels 1,2,3; and Hitit 3 is for Advanced Turkish-Level 1,2,3.

2. Workbooks: There are 3 workbooks prepared to parallel the course books which contain exercises and classroom activities for the units.

3. Audio Cassettes: The set also contains 6 audio cassettes to accompany each level. They consist of the listening text and exercises in the Course Books.

4. Video Cassettes: The set also includes video cassettes which parallel the grammar in the Course Books, but are independent of the subjects covered in the units of the Course Books. The video cassettes consist of 16 episodes for the Basic Turkish Level, and documentaries for the Intermediate and Advanced Turkish Levels.

The units in the Course Books are composed of integrated texts, dialogues, grammar structures, exercises and listening comprehension exercises on the subjects to be covered.

During the preliminary studies for HITIT, the structures and contents of the foreign language teaching course books used at T?MER were analyzed. The points essential to teaching Turkish as a foreign language were considered an effort was made to use the features and traditional motifs of the Turkish culture. The texts and dialogues used in the set are typical examples of Turkish cultural features, life style and social habits. For the Advanced Turkish course, special attention was paid to enriching the books with daily dialogues and texts, and to avoiding the clichec and memorization based ones.

The preparations for the HITIT Turkish Language Teaching Set started in February, 2001. This project, which included about 30 members of the TOMER staff, was carried out under the Project General Coordination of Aypar ALTINEL, Head of T?MER. The sub-units of the project were the Coordination Group, the Authors Group, the Evaluation Group, the Listening Comprehension Studies Group and the Video Study Group.

During the period prior to publication, related T?MER units were tasked with providing the necessary visual images like photographs and graphics. In every step of this project, was carried out by T?MER’s academic and administrative staff. The groups mentioned above were chosen from among the staff of T?MER and were assigned only to this study.

HITIT Turkish Language Teaching Set has been presented to institutions teaching Turkish in many different countries as well as inside Turkey. This set was introduced to the world via the internet. The advertising activities are also carried out by the related T?MER units.

It is believed that HITIT Turkish Language Teaching Set will fill a large gap in teaching Turkish to foreigners. Due to the lack of a resource book which was complete in every respect, to meet the demand of those desiring to learn Turkish and the Turkish culture, and the fact that the present books were outdated meant it was necessary to prepare a new Turkish teaching set. T?MER regards quality and world standards in education as being of primary importance, and thus continuously renovates its educational policy according to the universal criterion. The HITIT Turkish Language Teaching Set is a direct result of the successful studies T?MER has carried out as a scientific research and application center.

This set is designed as to provide the student with the ability to self-study using only a dictionary and a grammar book. Grammar structures according to the level are given with explanatory examples and the set rein forces the obtained knowledge through texts and dialogues. In order to correct pronunciation mistakes and to remove the difficulty in understanding, special attention was paid to make the audio and video cassettes support the written materials. Therefore the student will be able to find within this set many examples of how and where to use the grammatical structures they learned.

Formed according to the fundamental principles of Turkish Language teaching, T?MER is the communication point for uniting the Turkish Language teaching activities abroad. It concentrates on research and follows a program based on application. T?MER’s scientific identity is not based only on teaching Turkish as a language, but on its continuing linguistics researches and study of the Turkish Language in an academic setting. HITIT Turkish Language Teaching Set is the outcome of these studies and experience. This project carried out by T?MER, a large institution with experienced lecturers and administrative staff, will guide the people and institutions studying the education and teaching of the Turkish Language. T?MER is the first example in teaching Turkish in Turkey, and it is a hub for teaching the Turkish Language around the world. T?MER has a solid academic base from which to plan its scientific researches and put them into practice.

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Вся Ветвь
*HITIT!!!!!!!!!!!!! lanetolsun   2004/04/08 01:32
.*Re: HITIT!!!!!!!!!!!!! mause   2004/04/08 09:53
.*Re: HITIT!!!!!!!!!!!!! lanetolsun   2004/04/08 02:06
.*Re: HITIT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bale   2004/04/08 01:45

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