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(праздный куритель кальяна)
2003/07/23 15:10
...  Это сообщение из Архива

"..I know you are going to be a great man in the future..always follow your own path and as far as you believe you are on the right direction, continue to drive, even fastening each mile, not considering the bumps on the road and the barriers across..drive over them..your nerves will be your tyres..keep the faith and smile, making fun of this game called life..in the end, years from now, when you have driven millions of kilometers and find yourself writing a memorial note on the notebook of a little green eyed boy, turn back and look..If you see friends overseas but still close, friends everywhere in China, in U.S.S.R., in Africa or else, then you may feel cool..and my little boy, always stay cool..I will also be there, somewhere, as your closest friend ever..Sincerely Yours..Daddy.."

Now this was a memorial note that my father has written on my notebook when I was 7 years old..I attached this, because I want to explain you one last thing..This last explanation is needed to be done as I think I am not clearly understood here..This is not a return back but just a reminder and a detailed goodbye..I need not to feel as a hero as some of you claim ( Fulya not you because you sounded so friendly, thank you ) because I am a hero already..I survived through millions of sperms, I stand still with self-confidence and march on my way, millions of people suffer from hunger and millions die because the gun cartels have to sell and I may still smile and look for the real love, I am deeply romantic but still feel to declare a war to the whole world if I have the One beside me, I feel higher enough to make fun of all the statusquo and all the bloody Presidents and I even do, I have my family and visit them every month driving 585 kilometers and with every mile during this trip I everytime feel getting close to my ex-room in their house my ex-kingdom remembering the pillow fights I have done with my sister, remembering my mother driving crazy everytime I bring home tourists ( they were allways hippies and walked with their shoes all around the house ) just to talk to them and learn English better, I have lived a very enjoyable university campus life and am very lucky to have my own job gaining my own life with my own effort, not leaning over someone..And those above are just few of the whole that makes me a hero..What lurkers and most of you forget is that you are all heroes..You must have lived through the same..Everyone of us is a complete story inside..Now what I tried to do..
I tried to make friends..I was not here to hunt girls or else..Of course everyone has fantasies and personal life which I also enjoy one quite fine already..What I try to do ( I don't say tried because I will continue to make friends in other platforms and the treatment I faced in the forum will not direct me to another policy ) is just like in the words of the famous movie :
"Choose life..Choose a job..Choose a career..Choose a family..Choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers..Choose a three piece suit on higher rent in a range of fabrics..Choose sitting on that couch watching mindnumbing, spirit crushing game shows..Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pishing your last in a miserable home nothing more than an embarresment to the selfish .ucked up brats you spawned to replace yourself..Choose your future..Choose life..But I chose not to choose life..I chose something else.."
The world is small enough to be a neighbor to Marinda or Nastena sometime in İzmir..The world is small enough to take a cheap trip to St.Petersburg sometime with Yazva..The world is small enough to drive 698 k.m. To Bodrum just to drink a glass of beer with Kuzu though it would last just half an hour and return back to İstanbul, the world is small enough to make Celeste believe that I am a smart but also a good guy to chat and learn more from each other, the world is small enough to have good time and share love with my sweetest icecream in Marmaris..
I tried to be a mirror to you not tried to pull attention..Do you all live in a world that there allways have to be something behind when a person does a favor to you or wants to have fun with you..Noway..There are still something kiddy, childish inside..Millions of generations have passed since the beginning of the world..Don't you see?..WE RULE NOW..If everyone of us make our own revolutions in our own lives and if we do this touching each other then could you imagine the fun..Why are you all suspicious ? Why are you so frightened ? What are you all afraid of ? I am asking direct question to the ones who allways replied me someway thinking that they have the right answer to my questions : Could you stay just few seconds out of the .ucked up ongoing time and ask yourselves : DO I EVER THINK OR AM I A ROBOT TO LIVE THE LIMITED DESTINY THAT IS PREPARED FOR ME ?
How many of us care for the professor who "committed suicide?????" in England?, How many of us care about a prostitute who was crushed by a car crossing the street in New York, in İstanbul, in Moscow, in Paris ? How many of us look for the real love ? How many of us live and how many of us are already zombies ?
I tried to find answers to such questions with FRIENDS..I don't want to be in a position to feel the must to allways convince one after every thread and every word I write..And Celeste yes I think you are right..My presence seems meaningless from outside because I am seen through one way glasses..
I have to continue writing my book which I have been suffering to finish for the last 6 months..Words above are not to all of you..Please take them as my own way of explanation..It is better for some of us to start to believe that friends still rule somewhere on the planet..I will be pleased to guide friends whom will visit my country, you I think all know my e-mail address and I will still be using the same address for any of you who want to contact..Thanks once again for the opinions of real friends..And one last thing : Please take of your shoes in my house as mother will be angry :))))
The Lord of Frogs

Taurus, Istanbul, Long Island, Rakı, Paris, İzmir, Rock, Jeans

Вся Ветвь
*... kramer   2003/07/23 15:10
.*Re: ... Dead_Sea   2003/07/24 12:04
.*Re: ... Fulya   2003/07/23 21:45
.*Re: ... tara   2003/07/23 16:46
.*Re: ... marinda   2003/07/23 15:53

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