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Архивы форума по Турции

(праздный куритель кальяна)
2003/07/19 11:10
missed..  Это сообщение из Архива

I missed: smoking cigarette with the thought that you can be caught..drinking to the hell..waiting in the bed for mamma to prepare for Sunday breakfast..swimming far away from the coast..kissing like there is no tomorrow..sleeping at the beach waking up with a ..cking sunburn..dating without the permission of the girl's father..driving crazy wih my friends..having no money but dreaming the funniest and most elite holiday..icecream..rakı in Gümüşlük, Bodrum..reading newspaper at the toilet..Norway salad with somon fumet..getting to sleep while curling the hair beside my head and a sweet face on my chest..

Taurus, Istanbul, Long Island, Rakı, Paris, İzmir, Rock, Jeans

Вся Ветвь
*missed.. kramer   2003/07/19 11:10
.*Re: missed.. Fulya   2003/07/21 12:14
.*Re: missed.. celeste   2003/07/20 12:02
.*Re: missed.. Annie   2003/07/19 22:00
.*Re: missed.. Yasmina   2003/07/19 20:25
.*Re: missed.. Yazva_Julia   2003/07/19 12:54
.*Re: missed.. Vesta   2003/07/19 11:50
.*Re: missed.. MouseLera   2003/07/19 11:40

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