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2003/03/14 11:22
Istanbul: A trip, a shopping and sth else..!  Это сообщение из Архива

Who said there is going to be a war with Iraq and our tourism s gonna be affected? Dunno who, but sure 'bout russians. They will never miss the trips and will travel here even if Doomsday approaches :)

And you r right. Istanbul for example. now those who can afford fly here for weekends frfom Moscow and from other cities. They do their shoppings, enjoy the city-trips, have fun in best clubs. In short they do all some of us cant do here..!

When Harry Met Sally

Вся Ветвь
*Istanbul: A trip, a shopping and sth else..! Cem   2003/03/14 11:22
.*Re: Istanbul: A trip, a shopping and sth else..! Yalanci   2003/03/14 19:59
.*Re: Istanbul: hiç a shopping..! Benya_Krik   2003/03/14 11:28
.*Nooooouuuu CeM   2003/03/14 14:00

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