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Архивы форума по Турции

(хозяин ишака)
2003/01/19 19:41
You mean russians?!  Это сообщение из Архива

Dear CeM, stop mourning around about opinions coming about turks.
I agree, maybe it's unfair,, but our eyes and ears were given to us to accept information, and what we hear and see about turks is real, and every story in this forum about turks is nothing but true.
Think about it - turks mostly have one opinion about russians coming over there, and you know what kind of opinion is that.
So don't judge people making gossips about your nation.. Think about our position when we come to Turkey, it's much worse.

Вся Ветвь
*You mean russians?! Yalanci   2003/01/19 19:41
.*Re: You mean russians?! kenanlee   2003/01/20 13:18
.*P.S. Yazva_Julia   2003/01/19 21:02
.*!!!!!!!! kuzu   2003/01/19 19:52

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