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Архивы форума по Турции

2002/10/02 13:39
All we need is LOVE!!!!  Это сообщение из Архива

In early morning rising sun meets moon
And golden eyes look at her silver ones...
Of course they will be separated soon,
But ready wait for this fantastic glance.
So, we are separate as sun and mon
And letters are like arrows - soul to soul,
But i'm sure we'll be able soon
To see not only one sunrise, but all...
The sea is symbol of the greatest love,
It has the taste of loving tender lips...
You're in my heart and only stars above
Will be the symbol of the future kiss...


Вся Ветвь
*All we need is LOVE!!!! Аттиш   2002/10/02 13:39
.*Re: All we need is LOVE!!!! Serseri   2002/10/02 14:31
.*Re: All we need is LOVE!!!! berfin   2002/10/02 13:49

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