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(праздный куритель кальяна)
2002/09/23 01:21
Jealousy, yes, jealousy..  Это сообщение из Архива

First, there is desire,
then passion, then suspicion,
jealousy, anger, betrayal.
Where love is the highest bidder, there can be no trust, without trust, there is no love.
Jealousy, yes, jealousy will drive you mad!

Кажется, темка на этом форуме не лишняя...

Вся Ветвь
*Jealousy, yes, jealousy.. Ta_   2002/09/23 01:21
.*Re: Jealousy, yes, jealousy.. nathalie   2002/09/23 16:16
.*Re: Jealousy, yes, jealousy.. Bale   2002/09/23 13:04
.*Re: Jealousy, yes, jealousy.. Ta_   2002/09/23 14:14
.*Re: Jealousy, yes, jealousy.. Sweetsin   2002/09/25 22:08
.*Re: Jealousy, yes, jealousy.. kSuShA_LP   2002/09/23 03:07
.*Re: Jealousy, yes, jealousy.. Ta_   2002/09/23 12:38
.*Re: Jealousy, yes, jealousy.. Cennet   2002/09/23 02:42
.*Re: Jealousy, yes, jealousy.. Ta_   2002/09/23 12:42
.*Re: Jealousy, yes, jealousy.. Kerrу   2002/09/23 19:46

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